Why should you partner?
Step into a world of boundless possibilities. Your brand, side by side with industry titans. Network with 2000+ decision-makers, trendsetters, and budget influencers who shape the industry. From connecting with top marketers to focusing on your niche, our ceremonies offer the perfect fit.
Our judges
Over 900 of the most influential individuals within the marketing community judge the festival. Here's a small sample of who is involved.
Soco Núñez de Cela
brand and comms director Burger King UK
Emily Chang
chief executive officer, Wunderman Thompson
Gah-Yee Won
head of marketing, CG Canada Intuit
Who will you reach?
Depending on your package, you have the potential to reach:
highly engaged professionals from brands, agencies, media and tech
viewers tuned into last years giving you brand visibility with our online viewers
social users across our social platforms: LinkedIn, Instagram, X and Facebook
registered users on thedrum.com and in our highly engaged newsletter channels
Previous sponsors
Position your self alongside some of the world's biggest companies
How do I get involved?
Check out the packages and achieve your goals through our bespoke offers.
Headline partner
- The Drum Awards Festival will be branded as in association with your business name.
- In person widespread branding and mentions at all 15 Awards Festival ceremonies.
- A world-class lead generation engine tailored to your business goals.
- Exclusive access to closed door events connecting you with senior marketers.
- Your business leaders will award trophies at five chosen ceremonies.
- Extensive content campaign shining a light on your message and senior team.
£75,000 + VAT
Ceremony partner
- Top level branding at a single ceremony of your choice
- Aligned as a supporting partner of festival across channels.
- A lead generation package tailored to your business goals.
- Feature in a video wrap up for your ceremony.
- The chance to present the awards for four selected categories.
- Tickets to the ceremony for you to invite key prospects and enjoy the festivities together.
£15,000 + VAT
Category partner
- Brand alignment with specific categories within individual ceremonies.
- A member of your team will be in attendance to present the trophy to the winner.
- Two tickets for members of your team to attend and connect with audience members in our bar and terrace watching area.
- Multiple ceremony discounts available: View prices
Investment starting at
£2,995 + VAT
Get in touch
Find out more about partnering with us for The Drum Awards Festival 2023